Animal Rescue

Animal rescue and fostering while teaching  full time in Japan has been a priceless experience.  I only wish that I had been a little bit more prepared for the six months ahead!

Benefits of Spaying and Neutering Cats - A Hassan.- benefits of spaying and neutering

Benefits of Spaying and Neutering Cats

It is possible that you are caring for a cat that hasn’t been spayed or neutered due to its age or previous health condition. If this is the case, it is best to fix your cat as soon as possible because there are so many benefits of spaying and neutering cats. Even indoor ones!

Preventing the Top 5 Cat Behaviour Issues - A Hassan.- top 5 cat behaviour issues

Preventing the Top 5 Cat Behaviour Issues

When it comes to training and preventing cat behaviour issues, its best to not allow problems to continue and develop into a habit. Instead, it is important to identify problematic behaviours and causes, and try to prevent them. Cats are capable of learning which behaviours are acceptable and unacceptable, and with patience, can be taught so by you.

10 Steps to Find an Escaped Cat - A Hassan.- find an escaped cat

10 Steps to Find an Escaped Cat

A cat escaping is a devastating and dangerous event which requires some immediate action. Depending on the situation, it is best to inform local shelters, neighbours, and any affiliated organizations in case the cat is a foster pet. Furthermore, here are 10 steps to find an escaped cat.

5 Major Ways to Cat Proof Your Home - A Hassan.- cat proof your home

5 Major Ways to Cat Proof Your Home

Ensuring the safety of incoming cats should be first and foremost in any adopters’ or fosters’ minds. There are many first time mistakes, some which may be fatal, that can easily be avoided through some research and preparation. To prevent these, follow these 11 steps to cat proof your home.

5 Steps to a Healthy and Happy Cat - A Hassan.- healthy and happy cat

5 Steps to a Healthy and Happy Cat

Ensuring your cats comfort and happy comes only second to their safety. With indoor cats especially, enriching your home is essential to their healthy development. Here are some questions and tips to do just that for your new pet.