Hiding Later On: If your cat is suddenly hiding after they have adjusted to the home and family, this is a cause for concern. Sometimes, the hiding may be in response to new people or new objects brought into the home which trigger previous trauma. Cats might also be hiding due to feeling sick and if they are displaying any other signs of sickness, an emergency trip to the vet should be immediate.
What to Do: Before attempting to get them out of hiding, try to identify what may have stressed out your cat. Once identified, if it can be stopped or removed, it is best to do that first.
Do NOT pull on the cats body to get them out. If they are hiding in a safe place, it is best to let them be until they feel safe enough to come out. If there is safer or better space for the cat to be in, coax them out and relocate them. To do this, you can play kitten or bird noises, shake their food bag and pour out their food on a plate, tease them out with a favourite toy, or get on their level and talk sweetly to them until they come out.