Animal Rescue - A Hassan.- fostering
Animal Rescue - A Hassan.- fostering
Animal Rescue - A Hassan.- fostering
Animal Rescue - A Hassan.- fostering
Animal Rescue - A Hassan.- fostering
Animal Rescue - A Hassan.- fostering
Animal Rescue - A Hassan.- fostering
Animal Rescue - A Hassan.- fostering
Animal Rescue - A Hassan.- fostering
Animal Rescue - A Hassan.- fostering
Animal Rescue - A Hassan.- fostering
Animal Rescue - A Hassan.- fostering
Animal Rescue - A Hassan.- fostering
Animal Rescue - A Hassan.- fostering
Animal Rescue - A Hassan.- fostering
Animal Rescue - A Hassan.- fostering
Animal Rescue - A Hassan.- fostering
Animal Rescue - A Hassan.- fostering
Animal Rescue - A Hassan.- fostering
Animal Rescue - A Hassan.- fostering
Animal Rescue - A Hassan.- fostering
Animal Rescue - A Hassan.- fostering
Animal Rescue - A Hassan.- fostering
Animal Rescue - A Hassan.- fostering
Animal Rescue - A Hassan.- fostering

First Time Fostering

Some people find purpose. For others, purpose finds them.

Due to a lack of funding in Ehime prefecture, there are no official shelters or supports for animals here. It has been really difficult to live somewhere that animal welfare is such an afterthought after coming from a country where supports and services are easily accessible.

So, when a friend came across a litter of four-week-old kittens, our options were limited. At that age, we knew that they normally shouldn’t be separated from their mother. Unfortunately we had no choice after realizing that the six-month-old mother was pretty sick and the kittens were dying. Without human intervention, they wouldn’t last the month.

I initially thought to myself that I’d go to my friend’s home and just take a look at them. After all, I lived in an apartment that didn’t allow pets so this would be a risky decision. I also wasn’t in the best place mentally from doing a job that required so little from me. Emotionally I wasn’t much better after months of superficial and rigid relationships with coworkers. I was quickly spiralling into the abyss of “what the f*** am I doing here?” Not really the best state of mind for someone considering fostering young kittens who would need constant care. Especially when I’d only ever had older self-sufficient cats.

But as soon as I’d laid eyes on them, I knew I’d messed up. I was going to take them. Not one, but two. It was easier than it should have been for me to decide to illegally harbor two  kittens while working a full-time government job in Japan. My decision turned out to be the easiest part of the fostering process. I had six months of anxiety, sleep deprivation, vet expenses, and adoption events to look forward to. 

There were many unique challenges that came with fostering kittens and trying to get them adopted in Japan. There was so much that I didn’t know about fostering and kitten care at that time and so much that I’ve learned since then. Most of it has been through an excruciating process of trail and error. Fostering, especially kittens, definitely isn’t an easy process and should not be a decision made lightly.

Despite this, I never once regretted fostering Cappuccino and Doppio. My six months with them were my best six months in Japan. Before they’d come into my life, I’d been going through the motions. I had been lacking direction and purpose, but in the end, purpose found me.


Fostering Blog Posts

Fostering and feline care are new topics to me too. But here are some things that I’ve learned so far.

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